Girls just want to have fun! Yesterday was a blast. Karen and I really pushed each other throughout each race. We kept jockeying for position with tactical decisions, boat speed, and sometimes a little luck. There was a part of the race that we were with the boys and it actually felt like sailing in a real fleet. Tons of fun.
In the end of both races I made small but critical tactical mistakes, and Karen with her years of experience pulled ahead. Oh, and the other girls. Well, once again it was light conditions and as we pumped they planed. It is really close between the top four women, Lisa, Nancy, Farrah, and Monica. They are all sailing their hearts out in the light wind, but both Karen and I can attest that we are the ones getting the workout. As you can imagine, both of us are hoping for a windy day. Everyday, right after we finish racing at 4pm the wind kicks up and is perfect planing conditions. It's fun to play around and just sail for a little bit afterwards and enjoy the breeze. And then there are the boys. As boys will be boys, it is a dogfight between Ben B. and Mike G. for the number one position. All the other boys are right behind them giving them a run for it.
Here's a photo from the trials of all of us along with the 470 sailors:Official Race Results
When the racing is close, small tactical decisions make a huge difference. My goal today is limit the SS Factor (Skipper Stupidity). I am incredibly happy with how much I have improved from race to race and day to day. My lay lines have improved ten fold. Besides the first day, I have not fallen in once. As you can image falling is a very slow way of sailing. Even yesterday when I caught seaweed on my fin and came to stop, I was able to pull some acrobatics and then tack the weeds off while staying on the board. I am looking forward to another great day on the water. Maybe upsetting the score board a little bit too.
Denise Parris, USA 235