As you can imagine, when you are getting ready to go out on the water there are always a few last things that need to be done and final touches. It seems you never have the right tools, and are running around at the mercy of your competitors or are left to your own creative measures. This is a story that many windsurfers and competitors of all backgrounds can relate to. It's time to go and you have just enough time to make one final check before hitting the water, ice, slopes, etc... And then the unexpected but yet the reality that something is wrong and you have little time if any to fix it. This is the moment that competitive sportsmanship can shine and creative mastery can reach amazing limits or bottoms.
In the last of day of racing, Jimmy found himself in this predicament. As he was about to launch his windsurfer he realized one of his battens had broken, with only half an hour to get to the starting line. Now, many of you would think that the battens would come pre-cut to fit the one design Olympic sail, but no. That would just make it too easy. Could you image how many people would be on that starting line if this was easy? I wish I could have seen what Jimmy did next. I hope one day you will get to meet him in person to hear the story yourself. I am afraid I just could not do it justice. As one competitor's mom watched in amazement, she ran to her daughter's tool box, which has now become the community savior, to once again save the day.An official Olympic RSX Windsurfer Racer needs 3 things: A permanent marker, number 3 screw driver, and a hack saw. As you can see in the photo Jimmy is now set. To play.
After a great dinner together and a day off we are all ready to hit the water again. Looking forward to another beautiful day on the water. I am sure there will be many more stories to come.
Denise Parris, USA 235